File Your Mis-Sold Car Finance Claims

Check if you’re ELIGIBLE

Are You Satisfied with Your PCP Deal Terms?

Get No Win,
No Fee

We only charge you when we successfully secure your compensation to ensure transparency and minimise upfront costs. Proceed with assurance, as there are no charges unless we succeed.

Top Claims Specialists

Supported by our successful history of handling numerous claims, our specialised consultants and administrative team are well-prepared to assist you in securing the compensation you’re owed.


Our expert case managers are committed to leaving no stone unturned in your PCP dispute. With their meticulous preparation, they’ll optimise your case for success and secure all entitled benefits.

Simple & Speedy Process

No need to navigate complexities alone. Once we’re on your side, our team and experienced solicitors will handle your PCP redress case diligently, ensuring a positive and successful outcome. 

Are You Eligible for Compensation? Review These Conditions for PCP Claims:

  • Verify your finance deal for any concealed commissions.
  • Review your PCP contract for any commission-related problems.
  • Review the terms of high-interest PCP agreements carefully.
  • Did you buy a car on finance (HP/PCP) before January 28, 2021?

Free Car Loan Hidden Cost Check! Find Out If You’re Overpaying.

PCP Finance Claims

PCP agreements are a common choice for car financing, often requiring an initial deposit, regular monthly payments, and a significant ‘balloon’ payment at the end to secure ownership. If this matches your financial arrangement, you likely have a PCP agreement. If your agreement falls between 2007 and 2021, you may qualify for a PCP claim. These agreements may include hidden fees or excessive interest rates that you may have unfairly incurred, and our goal is to help you reclaim these expenses.

Hire Purchase Claims

Own it as you pay for it! Hire Purchase (HP) enables you to spread out the cost of acquiring a vehicle with predictable monthly payments. Unlike leasing, where you return the vehicle at the end of the term, HP grants you ownership upon completion of the agreement, ensuring lasting value and equity. This financing solution is widely preferred by businesses and individuals alike for its flexibility and the tangible benefits of ownership.

FCA Probe Announcement

As of January 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) initiated an investigation into complaints related to car finance, specifically directing attention to issues surrounding PCP agreements. This action was prompted by a notable rise in consumer reports citing overcharges on loans issued prior to the 2021 ban on discretionary commission schemes. The FCA is dedicated to conducting a comprehensive assessment aimed at ensuring fair compensation for individuals affected by these practices.

Benefits of Choosing Us

PCP Worries? We're Here.

UK consumer rights demand honest financial products. PCP agreements hide inflated commissions, & burdening consumers. We ensure fee retrieval and transparency.

PCP Advocacy Experts

Let us handle your car finance claim. Provide your PCP or HP agreement details, and we’ll file your compensation claim with your provider to secure your entitlement.

Proven PCP Claim Wins

Our proven track record demonstrates success in securing car finance compensation for clients. Join our community for dedicated support and enhanced claim outcomes.

ACTION TO TAKE If You Believe Mis-Selling in Your Car Finance Deal?

Financial mis-selling occurs when a product doesn’t fully benefit you. Within car finance, this might involve receiving inappropriate guidance resulting in increased expenses. If you purchased a car, van, or motorbike with PCP or HP finance before January 2021, potential issues include high interest rates, hidden sales commissions, and a lack of affordability checks.

Submit Your Claim Against Unfair Car Finance Deals

Pursue Legal Action with Car Finance Claims 246